Using Sport Science to develop the next generation of young athletes



YOUTHSPORT is a  small group training program designed to help youth athletes (ages 11-16) meet the physical demands of their sport. Each group is capped at 6 athletes to ensure a semi private training environment.

Each session focuses on developing physical attributes that are fundamental to sport performance, such as speed, agility, strength and power. Participants are grouped according to their developmental age, with different emphases for pre- and post-pubertal athletes.



Tuesdays @ 10am

Starting July 2nd


Thursdays @ 10am

Starting July 4th


Saturdays @ 9am

Starting July 6th

YouthSport Training

6 Session Punch Pass
$300 $50 per session

6 x YouthSport Punch Pass

6 YouthSport Training Sessions

YouthSport Training

12 Session Punch Pass
$600 $50 per session

12 x YouthSport Punch Pass

1 Combine & Report

11 YouthSport Training Sessions

YouthSport Training

18 Session Punch Pass
$810 $45 per session

18 x YouthSport Punch Pass

1 Combine & Report

17 YouthSport Sessions

YouthSport Training

24 Session Punch Pass
$960 $40 per session

24 x YouthSport Punch Pass

2 Combines & Reports

22 YouthSport Sessions

Punch pass can be used for any scheduled (Wednesday or Saturday) YouthSport session.

Program registration is based on a first come first serve basis. Waitlist available.


The SCIENCED Atheltics YouthSport program is driven by the research of the Canadian Sport Centres Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) expert group. This research has led to the development of the Long Term Athlete Development model and offers a framework to understand adolescent growth and development. Based on determination of a youth athlete’s Peak Height Velocity (the time at which children experience the fastest rate of growth in stature during adolescence), critical periods of growth can be identified and training adapted and modified at these times to maximise athletic development and reduce injury risk.

Improve performance and reduce risk of injury by developing a foundation of strength and power in movement patterns fundamental to all sports.
Introduction to resistance training, and sprint and jump training.
Pre- and post-program testing for speed, power, strength and endurance to measure baselines and athlete progress.

Program Structure


Using a combine format we assess developmental age from peak height velocity, lower body strength and explosiveness using our in-house force plates, speed and agility using an integrated timing gate system, and upper body strength. Combine testing is done in session 1 and the final session of the program to identify improvements over the course of the 12-week program.


Each athlete is provided with a report outlining their results and areas for improvement.


Based on the combined results of the group training is designed to focus on developmentally appropriate improvement in all athletic capacities.

Homework Program

Each athlete will also receive a homework program to complete on another day each week.